Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 18 January 2001

The Preparatory Team have a

The Preparatory Team have a house meeting to address what is needed for the house to be ready for the Level Two beginning this evening. The fabric is beginning to gently warm up, heat being too strong a term: Hernan says there has been no heating in the building for at least a year. I hear a drill: this may be the telephone company uttering obscure rites of necromancy over the pay `phone at the end of the corridor below. The chapel is now quite warm, as is the Level Two & Staff corridor.

Hernan continues to call the Level One corridor "Hell". Some doors are locked, to prevent an innocent seeing the terror lurking behind them. The three most striking elements of Sherborne House were firstly, the cold; secondly, the cold; thirdly, the ongoing physical discomfort. Our Hell is nothing compared to Sherborne's Hell. Presently, Sherborne House (in Gloucestershire) is a country house conversion (c. 1980) into expensive apartments. Acknowledging the weakness of my flesh, I'd prefer living there now to in 1975-76. Acknowledging my aspiration, I'm now ready to benefit from going there whatever the temperature.

Silence walked into the dining room at breakfast, and offered to hang around. But no-one said welcome.

Boy, it's cold. Not terribly cold: warm enough to know that you're cold. Hernan's office is warmer than Room 8. He says it's because the room is smaller. I'm inclined to believe that the draughts from the window here are a significant negative contribution to the temperature. The glass doesn't fit in the frames, although efforts have been made to cover this with transparent grout. The wind blows through the gap between the top of the glass and the frame. It's still warmer than Claymont Mansion & Claymont Barn, prior to Guitar Craft, though.

Silence visited at dinner time, hovering gently awaiting an invitation to enter. We sat with silence for 30 minutes. There is:

Sitting with silence.
Sitting in silence.
Sitting with silence in us.
Being silent (alternatively, being silence).

Also at dinner: a performance team - "Il Commendatore Zucchini" - played "Funiculi Funicula" quite acceptably & Ralph Verde told a joke which connected itself to Guitar Craft within the acceptable six degrees --

1. Chapstick
2. Suzy Chapstick
3. SC photo session advertising chapstick in Apple Health Spa Jacuzzi c.1978 with RF in jacuzzi at the same time
4. Apple Health Spa the site of NST visitation (September 1983)
5. NST the Guitar Craft tuning.

Spooky or what?

At the Inaugural Meeting of the Level Two & Kitchen Team everyone was invited to introduce themselves & say:

who they are;
where they come from;
what is their aim for the week;
what brought them here.

The Level Two was acknowledged as officially underway at 21.08.

